Hi 3512, A little off topic but this might apply to some mobile equipment.
I'm a Waukesha guy but I keep getting stuck working on Cats. I've got
a 3512 ta Diesel gen set with a city water cooled heat exchanger. On
warm up and shut down the expansion tank pressure exceeds the 7#
cap and will spit out about 15 gal. (80 gal system) The entire cooling
system gets pretty heavily aireated. I'll double check the w/pump
impeller but I don't suspect and problems there. The pump outlet pressure
was around 20psi. The t-stats are new and the heat. exc has been cleaned.
there were no signs of exhaust gas in the cool. system. My next step
is to check the pressure drop across the oil cooler and figure out a way
to pressurize the after cooler. This has been a problem the past 4 months
and seems to get gradually worse. Have you seen this before? Any other
ideas? I didn't make a whole lot of headway with Michigan Cat on getting
specific pressure ratings.