Hi folks - Thank you for popping in to take a peek. And thank you for the moderators for offering me some space on this wonderful forum! 👋
I'm going to be juggling a few projects in the coming weeks but wanted to post my progress on my 1:16th scale Norscot Twenty Two model project. I'm calling it a "winter special" as I'll be including a 3D designed and printed fully enclosed cab that I found in the Twenty Two parts catalog. I'm buying the CD version from
http://www.cabincreekcds.com/catopand22.htm#. I honestly can't say if the title "winter special" is appropriate but I can't think of any other reason that you'd want to enclose the operator's area of a crawler for non-ROPS purposes. I imagine it would get mighty hot in the dead of summer. I apologize if it is incorrect entirely. I just like the sound of it. :cool2: If anyone knows the proper terminology please let me know!
I'm also 3D designing and printing a fully mechanical belt pulley for the back. Compliments to user MarcoTen for the images he supplied during my last Twenty Logging Special project.
If you're unfamiliar with 3D designs and 3D printers please hold tight a while. Without knowing how it works it can be difficult to try to picture it. I'll be posting a few videos showing my Felix Robotics 3D printing machine in action as we go along.
The model will be built into a diorama base that will appear as an aged concrete slab; perhaps like one you may find in front of a barn. I only have the design in my head at the moment...I'm thinking of things to add to it. Hmm. :confused2:
Here's the Norscot Twenty Two model as it came out of the box:
[img]http://www.bufordsbarncars.com/models/tractors/Caterpillar_Twenty_Two_01/Twenty Two Original 01.JPG[/img]
[img]http://www.bufordsbarncars.com/models/tractors/Caterpillar_Twenty_Two_01/Twenty Two Original 02.JPG[/img]
Here is the cabin (The CD hasn't arrived yet so this is just the sample image from Cabin Creek CDs):
[img]http://www.bufordsbarncars.com/models/tractors/Caterpillar_Twenty_Two_01/Parts Catalog.jpg[/img]
Here is the belt pulley:
[img]http://www.bufordsbarncars.com/models/tractors/Caterpillar_Twenty_Two_01/22 belt pulley 01.jpg[/img]
Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy learning a bit more about 3D printing as this particular model will have a lot of it.