You can't just leave us hangin like this.
How much were they, how hard to make the adaptors ...
What do they look like installed.
Are they comfortable...of course they are compared to the old ones.
Come on , help us out.
Seriously they look awesome and nice job on the adaptors.
Those are BTH-9 tapped phenolic handles. Current price at Reid is $10.87. They have a 1/2-13 brass insert, but the controls are threaded 1/2-20 so I made the adapters out of some 1 inch bar stock I had lying around. When the adapter is screwed into the handle, it looks just like the original. I'll use a little silicone to seal the threads.
I should be getting over to the machine around Thursday. If I remember to take my camera, I'll take a pic of them installed. They look way better than the rest of the tractor.