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New Cat 22 Owner with questions

New Cat 22 Owner with questions

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Send a private message to lrolla
Posts: 54
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I think I have the Cat sickness now after purchasing a Cat 22. It's a good sickness to have?

Questions on the needed work.

Q1) Exhaust manifold has a huge crack from one side to the other. Is there anybody that makes replacement manifolds?
Q2) Fuel pump is not hooked up. It's gravity feed at the moment. Not sure if there is a problem but wondering if there is a common problem with fuel pumps on the 22s.
Q3) Is there a source for the temperature gauge?
Q4) What is the tank with the fill opening on the firewall used for? I see the main gas tank but the firewall tank is a mystery.


Larry Rolla
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Wed, May 16, 2012 11:07 AM
Send a private message to brewzer
Posts: 689
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At this time ther is no one making 22 manifolds. I may have one depending on what type manifold you have. The tractor will run fine on gravity feed. The diaphragm is probably shot in yours. You can have your temp guage rebuilt(very expensive ) or I can tell you how to hook up a modern guage. The small tank you are talking about is either a reserve tank, or was used to start on gas and switch to tractor fuel. Again depending on what type manifold you have. My E-mail is in my profile if you wish to cantact me. - Wally
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Wed, May 16, 2012 11:26 AM
Send a private message to Tractorboy1
Posts: 111
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Irolla: Your Caterpillar twenty two has problems that are typical to those tractors of that age.
All your problems can be resolved with some homework.
Your exhaust manifold can be fixed. Either with replacement parts that can be found either through
the bulletin board or through meeting people that have Cats. You can talk to Florin tractor in Sacramento Ca. If they don't have it they can tell you where to look!
Your fuel it on the tractor? If it is the reason why it is not hooked up is probably the rubber seal went bad. Ask Florin Tractor...... Yes the fuel pump is rebuildable! When you don't have a fuel pump working you can not climb steep hills with it because there is no way to get fuel to the carburator. Your tractor will work fine on flat ground.
The guages on your tractor are supposed to be a guage which has a beveled glass face to them.
Oil pressure and tempurature. If you want them back to original they can be rebuilt. If you don't care, you can put a smaller guage in the same hole. Yes they are available. You can check at the Cat dealer.
The gas tank..... Well back when they first came out with the twenty two, gasoline was expensive to use, so they started the cat on gas .......which is the cap coming out of the firewall. When the tractor warmed up they turned a lever which opened the big fuel tank which was kerosine and ran the cat on kerosine which was the cheaper fuel of the day!
Good luck with you project....... don't be afraid to ask questions there are plenty of people who can help.......

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Wed, May 16, 2012 11:52 AM
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Send a private message to lrolla
Posts: 54
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Reply to Tractorboy1:
Irolla: Your Caterpillar twenty two has problems that are typical to those tractors of that age.
All your problems can be resolved with some homework.
Your exhaust manifold can be fixed. Either with replacement parts that can be found either through
the bulletin board or through meeting people that have Cats. You can talk to Florin tractor in Sacramento Ca. If they don't have it they can tell you where to look!
Your fuel it on the tractor? If it is the reason why it is not hooked up is probably the rubber seal went bad. Ask Florin Tractor...... Yes the fuel pump is rebuildable! When you don't have a fuel pump working you can not climb steep hills with it because there is no way to get fuel to the carburator. Your tractor will work fine on flat ground.
The guages on your tractor are supposed to be a guage which has a beveled glass face to them.
Oil pressure and tempurature. If you want them back to original they can be rebuilt. If you don't care, you can put a smaller guage in the same hole. Yes they are available. You can check at the Cat dealer.
The gas tank..... Well back when they first came out with the twenty two, gasoline was expensive to use, so they started the cat on gas .......which is the cap coming out of the firewall. When the tractor warmed up they turned a lever which opened the big fuel tank which was kerosine and ran the cat on kerosine which was the cheaper fuel of the day!
Good luck with you project....... don't be afraid to ask questions there are plenty of people who can help.......

[quote="Tractorboy1"]Irolla: Your Caterpillar twenty two has problems that are typical to those tractors of that age.
All your problems can be resolved with some homework.
Your exhaust manifold can be fixed. Either with replacement parts that can be found either through
the bulletin board or through meeting people that have Cats. You can talk to Florin tractor in Sacramento Ca. If they don't have it they can tell you where to look!
Your fuel it on the tractor? If it is the reason why it is not hooked up is probably the rubber seal went bad. Ask Florin Tractor...... Yes the fuel pump is rebuildable! When you don't have a fuel pump working you can not climb steep hills with it because there is no way to get fuel to the carburator. Your tractor will work fine on flat ground.
The guages on your tractor are supposed to be a guage which has a beveled glass face to them.
Oil pressure and tempurature. If you want them back to original they can be rebuilt. If you don't care, you can put a smaller guage in the same hole. Yes they are available. You can check at the Cat dealer.
The gas tank..... Well back when they first came out with the twenty two, gasoline was expensive to use, so they started the cat on gas .......which is the cap coming out of the firewall. When the tractor warmed up they turned a lever which opened the big fuel tank which was kerosine and ran the cat on kerosine which was the cheaper fuel of the day!
Good luck with you project....... don't be afraid to ask questions there are plenty of people who can help.......


Yes the fuel pump is there, just not hooked up. I have a feeling they took it out of the system due to problems. Will research the rebuild. Florin is not too far away from the tractor location.

The oil gauge is there but the temperature is gone. Will go down the path of CAT replacements. Do you happen to have part #s for the oil and temp CAT gauges? If not, I can ask the dealership.

The manifold is going to be the fun one. The bolts are very rusty. I put some oil on the threads before I left but I know it's going to take heat and a lot of patience not to break them off. The heat exchanger is also frozen, disconnected and the linkage and lever are gone. I know I don't need them where I'm located but it would be nice to replace to make it complete.

Fascinating about the two fuel tanks. That is what I love about older machines. They have linkage to days gone by and what life was like back then.

Larry Rolla
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Wed, May 16, 2012 9:34 PM
Send a private message to droptube
Posts: 128
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Reply to lrolla:
[quote="Tractorboy1"]Irolla: Your Caterpillar twenty two has problems that are typical to those tractors of that age.
All your problems can be resolved with some homework.
Your exhaust manifold can be fixed. Either with replacement parts that can be found either through
the bulletin board or through meeting people that have Cats. You can talk to Florin tractor in Sacramento Ca. If they don't have it they can tell you where to look!
Your fuel it on the tractor? If it is the reason why it is not hooked up is probably the rubber seal went bad. Ask Florin Tractor...... Yes the fuel pump is rebuildable! When you don't have a fuel pump working you can not climb steep hills with it because there is no way to get fuel to the carburator. Your tractor will work fine on flat ground.
The guages on your tractor are supposed to be a guage which has a beveled glass face to them.
Oil pressure and tempurature. If you want them back to original they can be rebuilt. If you don't care, you can put a smaller guage in the same hole. Yes they are available. You can check at the Cat dealer.
The gas tank..... Well back when they first came out with the twenty two, gasoline was expensive to use, so they started the cat on gas .......which is the cap coming out of the firewall. When the tractor warmed up they turned a lever which opened the big fuel tank which was kerosine and ran the cat on kerosine which was the cheaper fuel of the day!
Good luck with you project....... don't be afraid to ask questions there are plenty of people who can help.......


Yes the fuel pump is there, just not hooked up. I have a feeling they took it out of the system due to problems. Will research the rebuild. Florin is not too far away from the tractor location.

The oil gauge is there but the temperature is gone. Will go down the path of CAT replacements. Do you happen to have part #s for the oil and temp CAT gauges? If not, I can ask the dealership.

The manifold is going to be the fun one. The bolts are very rusty. I put some oil on the threads before I left but I know it's going to take heat and a lot of patience not to break them off. The heat exchanger is also frozen, disconnected and the linkage and lever are gone. I know I don't need them where I'm located but it would be nice to replace to make it complete.

Fascinating about the two fuel tanks. That is what I love about older machines. They have linkage to days gone by and what life was like back then.

Larry, if Wally can't help, I have a few good complete ones and separate. We need the part number. Thanks Scott
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Wed, May 16, 2012 10:45 PM
Lance Jones
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Reply to droptube:
Larry, if Wally can't help, I have a few good complete ones and separate. We need the part number. Thanks Scott
For Your temp Indicator the part # is 4B0226 , Cat may service an update to a 2" gauge with a bezel to go out to 2 1/2 inch. This definetly apply's to the Oil guage # 6B2355 . Be carefull removing the Large Nut from the Thermostat manifold , they are something special and would be very suprised if Cat can Help , it has a very course Thread. I am currently getting a 2 1/2 temp guage Repaired here in Australia and it will cost an Arm and a Leg . Fuel pump Diaphram's are readily available .
I haven't seen a heat exchange lever in Working order out Here . They would need to be used reguarly to keep them from Seizing up . Good Luck with Resto and Post some Pic's . LJ
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Thu, May 17, 2012 1:21 AM
Send a private message to neil
Posts: 6,912
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Reply to Lance Jones:
For Your temp Indicator the part # is 4B0226 , Cat may service an update to a 2" gauge with a bezel to go out to 2 1/2 inch. This definetly apply's to the Oil guage # 6B2355 . Be carefull removing the Large Nut from the Thermostat manifold , they are something special and would be very suprised if Cat can Help , it has a very course Thread. I am currently getting a 2 1/2 temp guage Repaired here in Australia and it will cost an Arm and a Leg . Fuel pump Diaphram's are readily available .
I haven't seen a heat exchange lever in Working order out Here . They would need to be used reguarly to keep them from Seizing up . Good Luck with Resto and Post some Pic's . LJ
Larry, if the fuel pump was disconnected due to a broken diaphragm, you can get a new one and hook it back up.
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Thu, May 17, 2012 6:20 AM
Send a private message to abarhydt
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Reply to neil:
Larry, if the fuel pump was disconnected due to a broken diaphragm, you can get a new one and hook it back up.
If you have experience with welding you can weld the cracked manifold. Your best bet is to have the manifold on, so it will not warp. My 22 had a huge crack on the exhaust manifold. I bought some nickel rod and welded it up. Well, not that simple, you need to pre-heat the manifold, either by running the machine or with a torch. Then when you start to weld, start at one end, make a small bead (1"long) and then peen it with your chip hammer. Then you move to the other end and repeat the process. Complete welding the crack in small increments, and peening. After you are finished, let it cool slowly, re-heating when it starts to cool off. This is how I did it on my 22, it worked well and did not re crack.
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Thu, May 17, 2012 8:50 AM
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Send a private message to lrolla
Posts: 54
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Reply to abarhydt:
If you have experience with welding you can weld the cracked manifold. Your best bet is to have the manifold on, so it will not warp. My 22 had a huge crack on the exhaust manifold. I bought some nickel rod and welded it up. Well, not that simple, you need to pre-heat the manifold, either by running the machine or with a torch. Then when you start to weld, start at one end, make a small bead (1"long) and then peen it with your chip hammer. Then you move to the other end and repeat the process. Complete welding the crack in small increments, and peening. After you are finished, let it cool slowly, re-heating when it starts to cool off. This is how I did it on my 22, it worked well and did not re crack.
If you have experience with welding you can weld the cracked manifold. Your best bet is to have the manifold on, so it will not warp. My 22 had a huge crack on the exhaust manifold. I bought some nickel rod and welded it up. Well, not that simple, you need to pre-heat the manifold, either by running the machine or with a torch. Then when you start to weld, start at one end, make a small bead (1"long) and then peen it with your chip hammer. Then you move to the other end and repeat the process. Complete welding the crack in small increments, and peening. After you are finished, let it cool slowly, re-heating when it starts to cool off. This is how I did it on my 22, it worked well and did not re crack.

Ok Andy, I'm buying the beer, steaks and the nickel rod. No real welding experience in my quiver yet. I have a neighbor with some experience but not with nickel rod. Let me see how difficult it's going to be to get it off. I would really like to replace it and know that it's going to last.

Thanks for the advise. It's nice knowing there is a backup plan. Larry
Larry Rolla
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Thu, May 17, 2012 10:41 AM
Send a private message to Tractorboy1
Posts: 111
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Reply to lrolla:
If you have experience with welding you can weld the cracked manifold. Your best bet is to have the manifold on, so it will not warp. My 22 had a huge crack on the exhaust manifold. I bought some nickel rod and welded it up. Well, not that simple, you need to pre-heat the manifold, either by running the machine or with a torch. Then when you start to weld, start at one end, make a small bead (1"long) and then peen it with your chip hammer. Then you move to the other end and repeat the process. Complete welding the crack in small increments, and peening. After you are finished, let it cool slowly, re-heating when it starts to cool off. This is how I did it on my 22, it worked well and did not re crack.

Ok Andy, I'm buying the beer, steaks and the nickel rod. No real welding experience in my quiver yet. I have a neighbor with some experience but not with nickel rod. Let me see how difficult it's going to be to get it off. I would really like to replace it and know that it's going to last.

Thanks for the advise. It's nice knowing there is a backup plan. Larry
Larry I am part of ch 5 in Petaluma, which are a great group of people. Jessi Gilbertson has started a chapter your way that is based out of Woodland. So if your at all interested in joining a
chapter it would be a nice way to make a few friends that would give you more sources in which to help you along with your project.
I used to have a Orchard 22 that had a bad exhaust manifold on it. I actually bought another bad
manifold and used the good parts to make a good manifold.
My Guages that were in the tractor were the original guages, just in bad shape, so I had them refurbished. This was done a few years back, and it cost me five hundred for the both of them to be fixed up. But they sure made the tractor!
Allright keep those tracks roll"n...........
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Thu, May 17, 2012 11:14 AM
Send a private message to pbamburak
Posts: 43
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Reply to Tractorboy1:
Larry I am part of ch 5 in Petaluma, which are a great group of people. Jessi Gilbertson has started a chapter your way that is based out of Woodland. So if your at all interested in joining a
chapter it would be a nice way to make a few friends that would give you more sources in which to help you along with your project.
I used to have a Orchard 22 that had a bad exhaust manifold on it. I actually bought another bad
manifold and used the good parts to make a good manifold.
My Guages that were in the tractor were the original guages, just in bad shape, so I had them refurbished. This was done a few years back, and it cost me five hundred for the both of them to be fixed up. But they sure made the tractor!
Allright keep those tracks roll"n...........

I am working on a cat 22 as well. There is a foundry in El Paso, TX that would offer to build you a manifold but they are a scam. They stole $1750 and my original manifold from me and tens of thousands of dollars and original parts from other people. Please avoid them.

Paul Bamburak
[email protected]
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Fri, May 18, 2012 9:47 PM
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