Found in the scrap yard!!?? DANG! that is a sweet grader! The Caterpillar Angels will praise you! good save!
I wonder why someone would put that nice of a machine in a scrap yard. Great purchase
Dang that thing has the exact same beacon light I want for the roof of my grader
The picture of it on the trailer is a friend that works at the yard. He sent me that picture when it came in.
Unbelievable! I feel like I'm pecking in the dirt for scraps and here this lands in your lap! Congrats on a nice machine. Any major issues?
Wow! That is a sweet find! How could someone take that beauty to the scrap heap?! Unreal.
Super clean. Yes trans fills through big bung in differential cover. What year? Does the lift arm shaft have 3 keyways in it?
I think it is a 1954. It is 8T12832. The one beside it is a 1957 8T19829. The 54 does not have the 3 key ways on the lift shaft. The 57 does. A closer shot of the beacon. Also a good shot of some of the fleet. See how many you can pick out. Looks like it had a snow wing at one time with this cool double drum winch. Also looks like it has factory power steering?
That sure is a wonderfull Cat grader to find like that .. She has never been bashed about !! ,, like most we see here in Aussie .. Lovely pic of the sunset ,, out on prarie !! ?... Have been to Calgary a few times and Lethbridge ... Regards pete.