UJ905 in the aftermarket world, for spider and bearings.
OM, thanks for the numbers. I was able to find some one Ebay. Local CAT dealer said the serial number was for a blade and I needed to get the correct serial number for the tractor. hehehe
Local Caterpillar wanted $115 for the U-joint but had non in stock. NAPA had them listed for about $90, but again non in stock. So, I turned to Ebay. Found an excellent seller, excessinc, that had several and free shipping. So, I got 2 U-joints delivered for about $80. It is a little frustrating to install if you have never done it before. First align the notches on the clutch output and the transmission input. Make sure that you take a light hammed and push the small metal strap holding the caps on against the u-joint on the end. Failure to do this will make it very hard to slip in the u-joint. There is not a lot of room. And put the bolts in the u-joint caps prior to installing it in the tractor or you will find out that it is faster to install the assembly the second time around. Don't ask how I know that. 😊 I have attached some pictures for your enjoyment.
[attachment=72241]IMG_8960.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=72240]IMG_8959.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=72239]Ujoint_Label.jpg[/attachment]