That looks like a J series D2 with a toolbar dozer. The toolbar dozers are much sought after for these machines.
The tractor serial number should be stamped on the rear of the transmission case top left hand side when looking at the rear of the tractor. It is as previously said also on the top left hand side of the engine block when sitting in the seat. If the two numbers are different then it means that the original engine has been changed at some point in it's life.
[quote="gauntjoh"]That looks like a J series D2 with a toolbar dozer. The toolbar dozers are much sought after for these machines.
The tractor serial number should be stamped on the rear of the transmission case top left hand side when looking at the rear of the tractor. It is as previously said also on the top left hand side of the engine block when sitting in the seat. If the two numbers are different then it means that the original engine has been changed at some point in it's life.[/quote]
Got to be a D2 J. I don't think it has a toolbar blade, the mouldboard doesn't look right, but could be a 2S blade with some added welding. The lift cylinders are not Cat. I would like to get the sheet metal, it looks alright so far. Wide gage?
Looks like it could be a LaPlant Choate dozer. I have one from a narrow gauge d4. Looks real similar anyway. Pretty heavy for the d2. Certainly not for the scrap yard! Just needs a new home! Look for the tags that the guys mentioned before. There should be a tag or stamped number on the blade.
Thats a 5J series D2
nice canopy
I will go out and do some more looking for more info on it...somebody had suggestd that i could use a head off an old cat motor grader..tryn to find a trailer to load it on and get it back to my buddies shop so we can see what we got and where to go from here..