Well bought. Some of the hydraulic setup was I believe relocated from a traxcavator to operate a towed blade plough.
cheers WF
The winch is a LeTourneau Model "AN7".
The Hydraulic Control appears to be from an early 933 Traxcavator pre 42A2946.
Matching pump would be 31 gpm @ 1800 rpm.
NSW Forest Commission had canopies fitted to their tractors like the canopy fitted to this tractor. My guess the tractor was used for clearing by a government forest department originally, SA, Vic or NSW, maybe private contractor, the high lift blade would have been good for that. Nice looking tractor, straight unbent bonnet.
NSW Forest Commission had canopies fitted to their tractors like the canopy fitted to this tractor. My guess the tractor was used for clearing by a government forest department originally, SA, Vic or NSW, maybe private contractor, the high lift blade would have been good for that. Nice looking tractor, straight unbent bonnet.
looks like a pretty straight bit of gear to me got all the right tin wear still attached and pretty straight😖hocked:😖hocked: that would be rare on its own in Australia and would all point to a ex government machine
Year would be 1960.
G'day all. I did speak briefly with Peter Squire at the sale and he said it was originally owned by Clarrie Hutchins, who I believe was a contractor in the Tintinara Keith area and then owned by Murray Dawkins who is in the Bordertown area. Peter got it from Murray, and it had had a stick rake on it previously.
OM if that hydraulic control has the matching pump what pressure would it operate at?
Thanks everyone for your comments.
d349, If you want a copy of the manual for the LeTourneau cable controls (PCU), I have reproduced copies available. PM me if you want a copy.
Cheers, Ron.
Hi Kevin,
it should be 1,000psi if set to standard 933 setting.
Eddie B.