Welcome Old Cat 22 to Australia . Your are going to probably out in the Diggily's a bit , I doubt if there are any collections up there , but I may be Wrong . We have a few ACMOC members in the West ,But I have been told there could be up 30 collectors over there .
Which way are you Flying in ? If you come via Brisbane [Qld] and you can spare a day or two . I can pick You up at Airport and Show You a few Collections in this area . Have a spare bed here no Problems . Would be great to return the hospitallity that has been given to Us when we have come over By Our Californian friends and others on the West Coast. We are only 90 minutes from The Airport . Just give Us some lead time as We have a fairly busy Shedule coming up.. Maybe when you have a break you could Fly over here for a long weekend [4 hours from Perth A/P ] Enjoy your stay LJ
Hi, OldCat22.
Welkum to DowNunder - - - even if you ain't quite here yet. Hope yer like the color red. There's LOTS of red dirt where you're going. I know that fer a fact 'cos I've worked on three iron ore railways and in one iron ore mine up thataway.
Like Lance, I'd like to meet up with you if the opportunity presents itself but, unlike Lance, I don't have the luxury of a spare bed to offer you. How-wevver, I do only live about half as far from Brisbane airport as Lance does, about 45 minutes.
Enjoy your visit(s). That's an order. LOL. And, like the boy named 'Sue', be prepared to come away with a different point of view.
Just my 0.02.
Thanks for the offer. I plan to travel to Brisbane at some point during my stay to visit the Corporate office. I will defiantly give you guys notice. It would be great to get together and swap some Cat stories. Thanks for the response.
Hi, Joe.
Yer welkum, M8. Every time I have been over on your side of the puddle, I have been shown great hospitality and have felt VERY welcome. We don't get a lot of chances to reciprocate on our own home turf. Maybe us DowNunderites are the more adventurous ones?
A curious mind would like to know.
Hi Joe welcome to Australia when you get here , I am in Albany 400 south of Perth have collected a few old tractors some going and some need repairs so bring you're work gear( overalls) I will supply tools.
You're welcome to stay here if you decide to come this way
Hi Deas,
as someone that has spent half his life down under, and half in the topside, I think it's less a matter of being adventurous; rather it's more what's available in the vicinity - I think it's more that the U.S. and Europe (at least to my experience) are densely packed with "stuff" (culture, places, sights, people) so that you don't have to go far to experience difference. Oz and N.Z. are famous for being very homogeneous, so if you want to see something different, you kind of have to travel. I think that's why the "big OE" is such a thing for young Australians and NZers, not so much over here in the Northern Hemisphere. That's obviously a broad statement and there are clearly many exceptions. The other thing too is that going out of country up north is more of a big deal in many ways than it is down under for a lot of people. Every person in my immediate family has travelled to at least three different countries, not including Australia, and they've typically done it for work or to see something "genuinely" different - there's not a lot of difference between the south and north of NZ other than the temperature : )
Food for thought I guess. I'd be curious to hear other opinions too!