I'm ahead of the Game!
My wife was off Thursday so I took her to Dinner.
She is working the weekend so I think I am off the hook for Sunday?
:confused2: :madgrin:
Jeff....no such thing as "off the hook" with wives....they forget nothing.......better to have a little something in hand Mothers Day then to "beg forgivness" later....at least that's my experience talking...…….LOL
Last time I missed the game, I was away from my home on the mother's day, could not hug my mom! I really missed her, I talked to her but only met her after 4 long days.
Hi, Folks.
I don't have a problem with either a mother or a wife. But I do wish the best to all those long suffering women who put up with all of you 'yellow fever' afflicted men out there.
Just my 0.02.