The steering clutch oilers are the ones back under the seat and they must have been changed to grease fittings.
The button head adapters are usually best serviced with a volume compressor, a grease gun may easily blow out the track roller seals without you even being able to feel it. Recommended roller lube is a 00 grease, I've only been able to find it in one gallon to five gallon pails because it's more like sticky oil than grease, but they might put it tubes too, I don't know. When using the volume pump I can feel when the rollers get full, but still need to be careful.
Thanks for the responses. Short term, I'll be borrowing a volume pump from a co-worker who owns a 1937 D4.
After a quick internet search, it seems people are pretty proud of their volume pumps. I think I'll be doing some asking around locally before I shell out $300-$400 for a new pump. 😮 Not lubing enough machines to justify that.