Thanks for the heads up on the TS-300. My father had a TS-300 and a 200. He also had a DW-21. I was too young to operate any of them at the time but I will NEVER forget how loud that Buda diesel was in the old 300. And I was a by stander! My older brother operated it. He always said you had to wear ear protection or you would go deaf in a couple of days. (or was that hours?)
Pat, what is the crane in the background? Koehring?
Yes that is a Koerhing 304. He used it mostly as a dragline. Although I remember it was used to pull the engine on the D7 when it expired.
I think that photo was taken around 1969 or 70.
Well I was mistaken again. My brother told me that our TS-300 had a Cummins diesel with a gas Continental starting engine.
Still was loud!
ACMOC is supposed to be producing a D9E and a pull scraper in 1/25 scale through First Gear.
Here is the picture I wanted to post. It is old and a bit discolored. It is a scan from a slide. The D8 behind the TS-300 is a series 15A, with long track frames.
It was Spring time in Wisconsin. I think the only reason my Dad took the photos was because much of the equipment had fresh paint. I just wish he would have taken more photos.
Just got today from Bandon Lewis EMD models of the AC 460 and 562 scrapers-they were expensive but well worth the money! Now all I have to do is wait until August for the TS300.
Pat, thanks for sharing the photos-any more?
What? No Pics? You gotta take you need the HD21 scraper pusher he sells, or maybe the HD41...
I wonder what it's going to take, for EMD to make a 630 through 666 sized Cat scraper, I'd find a way to pay for that one!
I hope First Gear decides to produce the IH 433's in 1/50, since the TD25 and TD15/175 have been made in several sizes.
Yup, it's gonna be a good year for models. Retro Grading needs those new
657's.....probably use the tax return to finance one of those TS300'S too.
Neil D,
Sorry, I wish there were more. When Dad was working a job, there wasn't time to be taking pictures. We are lucky to have the few pictures of his equipment.
My sister and her husband just got back from Ireland. (My Father's side of the family trace back to Limerick.) We can't wait to hear about their travels. I hope one day to visit Ireland as well. It is only natural to want to visit where we came from. Especially with our name, McMullen