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Model Committee Update

Model Committee Update

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Chapter 3
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We are exploring several projects on the Model and Merchandise Committee. The first model is a 1/25th scale D8 series with First Gear, similar to the D9 series we have produced over the last several years. These are high quality models that are expensive to produce, but there is a lot of interest out there based on calls and letters to the office. The D8 will be offered in the high $100's to low $200s depending on attachments that are part of each version of the D8. The committee is hoping to move forward with this project later this year after the introduction of the 456 scraper.

Great news from ConExpo! We sold out of D2 sets and D2 Orchard tractors. Overall sales seem to be picking up at bit as the economy slowly recovers. Our club derives most of our revenue from the sales of models and other merchandise. Club dues have been held at $30 per year for many years and those dues payments just cover the cost of producing the magazine. Many thanks to everyone who supports the club through purchasing our high quality merchandise.

The second tractor model project on the drawing board is a D4 series of tractors, probably in 1/16 scale similar to the D2 series. We are also waiting for bids on a terracer that would fit behind the D2 and D4 tractors in 1/16 scale. Both of these projects should also begin sometime this year and will be at a significantly lower price point than the larger tractors from First Gear.

There are several other products in the works including a show shirt for Brooks and several other small items that we can offer at shows and through the online store.
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Sat, Apr 16, 2011 7:12 PM
Send a private message to ag-mike
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thanks for the info on the d4, thanks for making it 1/16th,👍 now lets see if u can get it off the drawing board.
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Sat, Apr 16, 2011 7:57 PM
chugwater crawlers
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Reply to ag-mike:
thanks for the info on the d4, thanks for making it 1/16th,👍 now lets see if u can get it off the drawing board.
Great news! Both are popular tractors. First Gear is top quality and has amazing detail.
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Sat, Apr 16, 2011 11:39 PM
Deas Plant.
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Reply to chugwater crawlers:
Great news! Both are popular tractors. First Gear is top quality and has amazing detail.
Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.

I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?

Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?

Just wund-rin'.
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Sun, Apr 17, 2011 4:40 AM
Walt D7-3T
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.

I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?

Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?

Just wund-rin'.
Hello all,

Just to add my input to the mix, I vote for a D7 3T AND ta D8 2U and even D8 13A. These are MY favorite Cat Tractors. Of course I would love for a blade to part of the deal. For the D7 I would like the angle blade and the same for the D8 and or the U blade for the D8's. The ultimate would be for the D8 blades to BOTH be avalable (even the straight blade, maybe) and interchangeable just like the real D8's. And while I am at it, you all need to know that my vote is for Cable blades with the Number 25 cable control on each tractor (I am NOT a fan of hydraulic blades).

I know this is a tall order but this is what would make me a very happy camper...👍

The next item would be a Number 70 scraper for the D7 and a Number 80 Scraper for the D8's.

And, while I am dreaming, how about the ripper for the D8's. The tow behind model and cable controlled. I do not know the model number of it but you probably know what one I am thinking of.

IF these were to come to be made THEN I'd make sure I could afford to buy one of each.:biggrin1:
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Sun, Apr 17, 2011 6:19 AM
Chapter 3
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Posts: 98
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.

I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?

Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?

Just wund-rin'.
[quote="Deas Plant."]Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.

I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?

Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?

Just wund-rin'.[/quote]

The D8 series could go all the way back to the Diesel 75, but the first model will probably be one of the 2U tractors with some type of blade. They made several versions of the 2U during it's long production run. We are still working on just which ones of the various versions and serial numbers we will make, but I am sure it will be at least four or more D8s. Each one will have a different attachment configuration with one (Maybe the D75) possibly being just a bare tractor. The D4 series will probably start with a tractor of the same vintage (late 40's to early 50's) but include an RD4 at some point.
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Sun, Apr 17, 2011 5:05 PM
Send a private message to Gavin84w
Posts: 367
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Reply to Chapter 3:
[quote="Deas Plant."]Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.

I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?

Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?

Just wund-rin'.[/quote]

The D8 series could go all the way back to the Diesel 75, but the first model will probably be one of the 2U tractors with some type of blade. They made several versions of the 2U during it's long production run. We are still working on just which ones of the various versions and serial numbers we will make, but I am sure it will be at least four or more D8s. Each one will have a different attachment configuration with one (Maybe the D75) possibly being just a bare tractor. The D4 series will probably start with a tractor of the same vintage (late 40's to early 50's) but include an RD4 at some point.
Thanks to Jim and the model committee for keeping everyone up to date.

I find it a little dissapointing the D9G seems to have vanished off the radar due to not 1 mention off it and another tractor series getting a leg up. Out of all the proposed D9 models the G would truely have been a model that would have sold out and garnered plenty of revenue for the club IMO.
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Sat, Apr 23, 2011 6:36 PM
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