thanks for the info on the d4, thanks for making it 1/16th,👍 now lets see if u can get it off the drawing board.
Great news! Both are popular tractors. First Gear is top quality and has amazing detail.
Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.
I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?
Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?
Just wund-rin'.
Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.
I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?
Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?
Just wund-rin'.
[quote="Deas Plant."]Hi, Chapter 3.
Thanks for the update on the model committee's deliberations. I think all of those items under consideration would be popular models.
I do have a couple of queries, if I may. How far back would you be thinking of going with a D8 series, all the way to the RD8/1H series or would you start at the 2U series that has received a few mentions in discussions here?
Same with the D4 series, would you be starting with the RD4/6G series or perhaps a little further along the line, say around 2T/5T?
Just wund-rin'.[/quote]
The D8 series could go all the way back to the Diesel 75, but the first model will probably be one of the 2U tractors with some type of blade. They made several versions of the 2U during it's long production run. We are still working on just which ones of the various versions and serial numbers we will make, but I am sure it will be at least four or more D8s. Each one will have a different attachment configuration with one (Maybe the D75) possibly being just a bare tractor. The D4 series will probably start with a tractor of the same vintage (late 40's to early 50's) but include an RD4 at some point.