Hi, Willowhic.
Yer know, I think maybe you've found the problem. Now you just need a solution. Or am I stating the obvious here?
Hope you can find the parts you need quickly and cheaply.
Just my 0.02.
Why is that so rusty, does it not run in oil?
That is one thing I've noticed on the 9U starting engine, the drive barely contacts with the groove. The picture of the gear shows this same wear pattern.
Why is this?
Why is that so rusty, does it not run in oil?
That is one thing I've noticed on the 9U starting engine, the drive barely contacts with the groove. The picture of the gear shows this same wear pattern.
Why is this?
[quote="cojhl2"]Why is that so rusty, does it not run in oil?
That is one thing I've noticed on the 9U starting engine, the drive barely contacts with the groove. The picture of the gear shows this same wear pattern.
Why is this?[/quote]
Normally, the gear contacts MOST of the teeth-the little bits that remain are the portion that doesn't make contact. Part of the mismatch is due to the depth that the gear mounts on the magnito shaft, another part could be how many gaskets are built up on the mag/pony mounting surfaces. (Don't laugh...it happens).
As long as proper oil is used, this kind of wear shouldn't happen-even with gears that don't mesh completely.
My plan is to use 30% Lucas additive in the pony oil to aide the distribution of oil to the parts, like this gear, that aren't bathed in oil.
the pony oil is separate, this gets its oil from the starter pinon oil
Sure enough, I figure a little Lucas additive in the pony/starterpinion oil will help lubricate parts that aren't submerged in oil (like the magnito gear) by making the oil a bit tacky/sticky. The pony on this grader shows signs of having diluted oil or inadequate oil levels-including stiffness to the starterpinion assembly.
Whish me luck! 😉
Might not go in to gear very well the brass clutch docs need to be wet not sticky
So did the magneto gear get to that condition and the cam gear still was usable? Or did the crankshaft run real loose and shove the cam gear up into the magneto gear? I'm thinking something more than lubrication had a play in there.
Thanks for the heads up, Zip-good point about the pinion clutch. i'll take your advice and try it without the additive first.
Hi Jack, thanks for your post. The cam gear looks good and runs true as I crank the pony over-same with the crankshaft, there's no play perpendicular to the bearings. There is rust on the portion of the cam gear where it sat for years out of the oil, but the teeth look good.
the mag gear has an eccentric wear pattern-almost as if it follows a load pattern or as if the mag shaft was bent, but it's not bent as far as I can see.