Yet another time I must write that this forum software has an ongoing problem of incorrectly showing the status of a poster. We are working to solve this problem by rolling out our new website on September 1. We apologize for the miss-labeling. Normally, I would encourage you to contact the ACMOC office and Mary Clark, our administrator would solve this issue, however, with the near term roll out of the new website, Mary has a full plate at this time. If you can standby for another week, we will be glad to get you statused properly. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Once everything settles down for the new software, we can take a look at how a map might be created and maintained. The first problem is keeping it current with the constant shift of members dropping out and new folks joining us. As mentioned, a little bit of work on a members part to check the already well maintained Members List, will yield the answers of "who else is a member and do any of them live near me." Just say'in.
Jan Meermans, Chairman Magazine and Website Committee, ACMOC Director