summer is only four months away here in ontario just want to show what i have restored over the years my d2 and d4 on rubber that has a under carrage like it left the factory it has never been in dirt hope to have my r2in a couple years in the same shape . thanks tony
Deetwo, those look great. The whole shee-bang looks pretty sweet with the matching trailer and dolly. Will you be at the show in Portland, In. this summer? I hope so.
Deetwo, those look great. The whole shee-bang looks pretty sweet with the matching trailer and dolly. Will you be at the show in Portland, In. this summer? I hope so.
i will be there thinking of bringing the d4 the bigest problem is crossing the border in detroit with the dozers soon as i get there with a machine they think im going over to take work away from someone when i tell them that im a farmer it even gets harder . but anyway the trailer was a good deal for 100 bails of hay but it needed a lot of work thanks .