I have a D47U toolbar dozer and I took one of the cylinders in to get resealed because it wouldn't hold position.
Turns out the front endplate with the fluid passage that connects to the pipe was cracked and, in fact, broke all the way off when they started to disassemble it. This appears to be cast iron and they weren't too positive about brazing it and not having it leak.
Cat actually still has stock on this part, but it's $360+. For that money, my shop will take a new cylinder and modify it to look like the old one.
Does anyone know of a source for a used one of these? It's 4H6712. I'd also consider another used cylinder. Again, this is a toolbar dozer, the cylinder is a little smaller than the regular dozer, it has an 8 inch stroke and a 4 inch bore.
Looking closely at the pieces, I'm beginning to think the shop guy busted it with a chisel. There's shiny tooling marks at the edge of the fracture. They might have been trying to rotate the head a bit to get the locking ring out.
The best price so far on the replacement part is $269. That's still kind of high.
I found an Ag grade cylinder that might do. Anyone have a 4x8 Cat cylinder with 20 1/4 between pin centers?