Hello good folks. My first thread, my first post. I came about this forum by searching on parts for a Cat Auto Patrol grader. I have about 48AC of land in N NM that is laid out so that I can grade in a runway. I've been looking for something that could handle the job which wouldn't cost me gobs of money in outsourcing, or cost a ton to buy and keep in service. Planning to use a load of medium chat 3600x30' graded fairly smooth.
So - I've found a Auto Patrol 11 at another private airport that is just wasting away. Here's ALL I know about it. Been sitting for > 12 years. Was running when parked by the mechanic who maintained the runway. The tires are flat, and look in very rough shape. It is a 4 cyl gas engine. I was able to rotate the engine 2 revs by hand with a large spanner bar. There's a fair amount of surface rust, but it doesn't look too bad mechanically. The steering moved the front tires barely as they were flat, and it has a bunch of levers on the panel below the steering wheel. They have no way to move it, but will help me load it if I get a trailer for it. There are 4 rear tires, two in tandem each side.
The mechanic is a buddy of mine, and he'll give me some modest help getting it started and running, but he doesn't want to be responsible for service or maint to keep it running. They are asking $2500 where it sits.
What it will need at a min: All tires(can be used if I find the right size), tubes, cleaned radiator, new tune up parts, cleaned carb, new oil and grease, and coolant, battery, starter solenoid(was reason it was parked, wouldn't start reliably).
Things I strongly suspect it will need: Clutch freed from pressure plate(common issue), trans/gearbox lube, free up the blade controls from rust, minimal wiring repairs.
I'm a pretty decent DIY mechanic. I have a Ford 8N, and several Porsches that I maintain and repair. I'm not shy of doing hard work but getting a bit old to go through the whole engine. My desire is to get a borescope into the jugs and see what the bores and pistons look like. Since it's in NM, hoping it's not destroyed with rust. If the bores are good, and the engine will run with some upkeep, is this worth near $2500? Where can I get six tires for cheap?
Thanks, Doc