Late 6U I meant. Whoops.
I would suspect getting some cold rolled would be your best bet, but see no reason why you couldn't get by with hot roll.
Where are you located?
That broken pin will be a fun job to remove. JM
You need to get the old part number into the computer age with the right number of 0 in the right place, which I always forget. Partly because my dealer still has some old time parts persons. Really needs to be pinned and in a prominent place on this board.
try as ray suggests for the part number. for example 5b624 would become 5b0624. the cat parts system is set up for 6 character part numbers
if you can't get one a grade 5 high tensile bolt will work just fine and coat the thing with a little copper or nickel anti seize it will lube it and prevent fretting corrosion.
any decent engineering supplies should also be able to supply a cotter pin the right size.