Neat! Many Killefer parts are obsolete. The scrapers you could try your hand at some blacksmithing and bend your own. Some folks install a smaller diameter blade on the outside, as it would throw less dirt, depending on how offset your front/rear gangs are. The turning bar you are referring to, I do not have photos in my phone. I might be able to take some pictures for you later. Perhaps you will get lucky and someone will beat me to it.
Cleaning of the cast bearings I like to use a needle scaler to break free the crud and dried grease. Keep us posted with updates. Thanks, JM
I have a Killefer tool carrier, or at least I think that is what it is called. I will post a photo later. I have not been able to find any information on it. Grant.
Project -- Wow - you have your work cut out for yourself! That disc has seen more than a little wear, maybe some abuse too!
As JM said, you can form scraper blades, that would be one of the easier tasks ahead of you.
Depending upon the condition of the bearing castings and axle shafts, rest should be obtainable, even new blades.
Right turns with a disc were always considered a NO-NO -- even closed up which the bar mechanism was doing introduces strain on the blades.
Without closing the disc, you are more likely to break blades, bearings, etc.
When discing - I was always taught to avoid making more dead furrows than necessary. Thus you always started your first pass next to each other and worked outward.
In large fields - we used "lands" - picking a very distant point to try to keep the tractor pointed in straight line.
Dead furrows are created when the rear gang's outside blade pulls the dirt back, nothing to fill that depression. Sometimes a section of spike tooth harrow was pulled behind the disc or in many cases a "cultipacker" roller. Even a piece of RR track with a chain holding it across the width of the disc helped break up clods and fill the dead furrow.
Good Luck with your project!
Come on CTS not that bad, disc blades are ware items. Just that some abrasive conditions grind them down to a small washer. Others it's snap, crackle, and pop as go over rocks and roots, as this looks to have done. If the bearings and frame are in good shape I say Fred is Ok. If adjusting mechanism is all there and only rusty it goes up in grade again. If the latch and pulleys or what ever was used in the right turn close mec was there that would be A+.
The joy of sidehill farming nobody ever gave a thought to were or how many dead furrows you had. The much more important question was how many disc blades did you break. With the you know were most of the rocks are why didn't you slow down more, but why did it take you so long.
Fred do you any of the parts to close it when making the right turn? The neighbor had a very pristine one but his now long gone step grandson loaned out. So no example that I know of to look at. I believe there is part of a frame in my scrap pile, but don't think it had the right turn parts when it came here. There maybe a scraper or 2 on it. But in much more resent times there were pieces of of a lite 7 inch space disc here that had cleaners. But they might be liter and shorter. I will get a measurement in a day or 2 when not raining.
Come on CTS not that bad, disc blades are ware items. Just that some abrasive conditions grind them down to a small washer. Others it's snap, crackle, and pop as go over rocks and roots, as this looks to have done. If the bearings and frame are in good shape I say Fred is Ok. If adjusting mechanism is all there and only rusty it goes up in grade again. If the latch and pulleys or what ever was used in the right turn close mec was there that would be A+.
The joy of sidehill farming nobody ever gave a thought to were or how many dead furrows you had. The much more important question was how many disc blades did you break. With the you know were most of the rocks are why didn't you slow down more, but why did it take you so long.
Fred do you any of the parts to close it when making the right turn? The neighbor had a very pristine one but his now long gone step grandson loaned out. So no example that I know of to look at. I believe there is part of a frame in my scrap pile, but don't think it had the right turn parts when it came here. There maybe a scraper or 2 on it. But in much more resent times there were pieces of of a lite 7 inch space disc here that had cleaners. But they might be liter and shorter. I will get a measurement in a day or 2 when not raining.
I bought a Killefer offset disk awhile back, Model 1206-02, are the scrapers and brackets available yet? And would it be called a 206 Model?
[quote="Rome K/G post=246655 userid=1654"]I bought a Killefer offset disk awhile back, Model 1206-02, are the scrapers and brackets available yet? And would it be called a 206 Model?
Oooh neat. That would be a 6' drag type with hydraulic opener, and replaceable bearings.
I have some 1115 along with 1200 series in 8',10',12'15',18' and 21'. Just finished with an HD-10 wheel disk too.
I bought a trashed 1109 to glean some scraper parts from it. JM
Yep hyd opener, wished it was at least 12' but for 300 bucks I couldn't pass it up.