Perhaps the title is a little misleading, so I will clarify. I recently acquired a Bobcat Toolcat and need to get it from its current location back to the CPHQ. I have attempted to contact Target Transport, but I'm not sure if they are still in business. John Rose is not available until September. My 14K gooseneck hasn't been licensed since it moved to Indiana and probably needs new brakes. I can borrow a trailer and fetch it myself but thought that perhaps somebody here might be interested in a back-haul. The load originates in the St. Louis area and needs to land in NW Indiana near the Michigan border. The machine weighs about 6000 and is operable. Mileage is a little less than 400 miles point to point. Thanks!
Hey Bruce--is the new house all done now?? Good to hear John Rose is still around!!
Hi Dan. Good to see you're still around too. I hope you're doing good since the last time I saw you in Carthage. You ask the question everyone does. I'm sure everyone who has built their own home would agree, the job is never done. We have 1 bath and one bedroom to finish but I have been trying to overcome all the deferred maintenance that built up on the old home. Once I get caught up, then it will be on the market.
John Rose is still around and doing the over-the-road trucking thing. He hauls antique Cats for some folks too. I was able to find someone to haul this toolcat for me. I'm sitting here waiting for it to show up right now.