Welcome and good luck with your project. I too received my D2 from a dear friend when a struck prevented him from continuing to operate it. I think of him every time I move some dirt.
JuiceMan. I'm in Three Rivers, east of Visalia, but I'm originally from Yuba City, LOL. We might even know each other or have mutual friends.
Are you "horsing around'?................ Seriously? I don't boast too much about living in Yuba City, armpit only second to Oroville, up the road! LOL too funny small world.
You likely saw the writing and left!!! Just kidding of course, I am deeply rooted here. My family has been farming this area since the early 50's. Most likely we might know some of the same folks, some bad, and more good I hope? We farmed South Sutter County, and lease ag properties as well as transport bulk fruits and vegetables for many processors.
I am relatively new to this BB and have been picking up and occasional piece of iron now and then................SO, don't be a stranger. Keep on posting! Thanks. JM
^^^ I'm pretty happy that I don't live in the area anymore. I was just up there a few weeks ago to help my buddy with walnut harvest out in Meridian and it seems like every trip, the traffic get's worse and all the businesses have changed. I have to admit it was nice though being able to actually sit down inside a restaurant and eat breakfast at 2Bits. First time in a restaurant since March. LOL
Yes, sad when the only thing that put Yuba-Sutter on the map was the Juan Corona mass killings. Funny, I am supposed to go to "the Basin"near Meridian and pickup some TD-9 and TD-14 off breed crawlers from another members friends place off of Acme Rd. I think. Just in case some of you lurkers out there, I am retrieving them for our other friend D4e, Mr. Gardner and the Chan bunch from Courtland, CA I heard that he made his first fortune with an IH, and still has a soft spot for them?
Well, Mr. Farrier if you're ever back in the area, feel free to look me up. Carlson Rd. area near Tudor, CA . Gee is my family name.
We just gave away some more J series D2 stuff, let us know what you might need to compete your mission. JM
For sure. I actually might haul up this D2 carriage to get help with the steering clutches once I get the parts. I don't know anyone down here that's into the old crawlers, so I'm not interested in doing them twice or three times.
I could ask around to see who works on that stuff near you. I have a “guy”, but depends on how much $ you want to sink into it.
Hobby can get costly, networking definitely helps though.
Surely doesn't hurt to ask around. I've got everything I need to put this back together but I'm a little girl when it comes to the steering clutches. I have zero experience in that department. Looks simple though, but there's always little tricks and need to know things. Maybe I just need to read more.....