by mary anne i thought you ment the steam shovel still cool.
Thanks hobo, for the reply. Apparently not enough interest from any of the Mary Ann fanatics to respond...I suppose if this had been posted by Deas Plant or Jan Meermans, there would be several pages already. Helps to be a member of the clique, I guess...
Hi, ronm.
A 'member of the clique'?????????? Personally, I think it is more a matter of timing. I have had 'net connection issues for the last few days, made worse by the fact that I have been TRYING to search for machines for sale for the ranch where I am staying and haven't had reliable internet. I have only just seen your post for which I thank you. I knew about the D8Rs being down in Antarctica and that Gough, Gough and Hamer were doing the re-builds but it was good to see the video of what they do and how they do it.
Stripped down to the last nut and bolt - just as they did with Mary Ann and most of her brothers and sisters decades ago. Their dealership is nearly a thousand miles closer to Antarctica than most of the Australian dealerships and I guess that helps with transportation to and from as well. That said though, William Adams, the Caterpillar dealers for Victoria and Tasmania, were and possibly still are servicing the Australian Antarctic Cat equipment.
Just my 0.02. Thanks again.
Great post ronm i enjoyed the video clip 😁
Hi, ronm.
I have posted this link in an earlier thread but here it is again, about Peterson Cat in CA. modifying 9 Cat Challengers for Antarctica.
Just my 0.02.