Reply to ttman4:
I been so busy last few days I nearly haven't had time to respond.
I been looking & think I found those coolant fittings OM mentioned....gonna keep thinking on all this "how to do it" stuff. Probably take me a couple weeks to rig up everything, but I'm sure it can be done.
Did some looking & scheming yesterday on all this stuff.
The aircooled Dietz has alternator, so have some glowplug heat fabrication oilheater possibility there. Also the Exhaust heat before the turbo is running about450-550 degF....heat exchanger building is possibility.
Didn't get chance to ck the coolant, coolant guage, or Exhaust temps on the 9U yesterday with my raygun.
If I can warm the oil up in my extra fuel tank enough to flow, then I just need to heat it the rest way on up to as hot as possible before it goes into the lift pump, and/or injector pump.
That's the main thing I had to get worked out & designed to make things happen right on my 7.3's.
If it can get to 150-180deg F before the lift or injection pump on my 7.3's, then they run just super great & powerful.
Well Sat. & yesterday I finally got round to working & heating up my 9U so I could check the coolant temp gauge & compare it with my handy-dandy Buck Rodgers raygun.
Apparently the gauge is pretty close to right. Sat was about 70deg ambient outside, the gauge never showed over 120-125deg. Raygun showed about the same at the sending unit...120-130deg. Thermostat housing showed about 130-140 max, upper Rad tank about 110, rest of places here & there from 90-110, even oil gallery tube.
I haven't cked yet if thermostat is working, or even there.
What temp thermostats usually is run in these old 9U, & what temp. thermostats might be available?
Till couple months ago the radiator fanbelt was really loose.....turned everything & cooled enough to get the gauge up to but not over 140deg. I tightened & adj. the belt & now it really pulls air thru. Probably cools better too now.
BTW, for future info, can these fan blades be turned round for push fan, or does the blade have to be specifically designed for reversing? And how would I tell what I have?
Actually, it doesn't look to be the easiest thing to do....reversing, or just plain changing out.
Oil press gauge shows about 60psi hot idling & drops to about 50-55 psi working....IIRC this is a bit higher than the manual calls for.
If I get time today I was thinking about sticking some cardboard over the radiator to see if things would heat up a bit more...just to check.
I should have checked coolant flow in radiator tank to see if thermostat was opening, or was open....but I didn't.
I assume these 318 engines are pretty well like other diesels? To a point it's, "Got to get that iron hot" for best performance???
I think I got things figured out on the aircooled Dietz engine. Like I said, the exhaust temp before turbo is about 450-550 deg, & really close after the turbo outlet it's 250-300. I think I can build a heat exchanger to heat my WVO
Actually, the WVO needs to be as hot as possible for any diesel engine. Not only to get a thinner viscosity for lift pump, injection pump, & injectors to perform, but a hotter engine helps to not coke things up so bad....rings, valves, etc.
Anybody got any input, I'm listening!
When I get closer to doing these WVO projects on these 2 machines, I''l try to post some photos along....if I can figure out how to run a camera, puter, keyboard, & mouses all at the same time.....😊 😊