yes id say there soldered. they are on other brands.
the flux id use is eaziweld 801 its 30 percent zinc chloride liquid. this stuff will let you solder monel and stainless. general use is dilute 1 to 4 parts water
Are we talking about the fuel injection line "ferrules"? Can't say as I've heard them referred to as "plug seals". Do you have a part number? I have never had any success in locating just the ferrules.
My parts books calls them "plugs" but my Cat dealer's parts description is "plug seal". I would call them ferrules... the part number is 2F2990.
As stated at the bottom of the parts page (with the triangle) plug seals are just used for shipping and storage. Meant to keep crud out of the fittings and lines.
No wonder why they were so cheap! My Cat dealer said I can pick them up today... Won't I be surprised!
To echo what Old Magnet has already said; Can't find the fuel injector line ferrules for the D318.
Are the ferrules silver soldered to the injector lines? If so, couldn't a ferrule be "sweat" off of another line and silver soldered it to another line?
Have to buy the complete line or have the line made.