Mr. Wingo, I can assure you that the board is not "giving our money away". In fact there have been significant cost savings over the last months and those will continue to bear fruit for the club. Office, staff, store are all things that are far more expensive than any donation. The "someone" answering phones is one of your volunteer directors, if you would like to pitch in and be a part of the solution, applications are open.
The "loss" is due to a number of factors, not the least of which was personnel expenditures that were in excess of 3/4 of the total dues revenue. In addition, three have been write-offs of unsaleable inventory that was approved and purchased by past committees and directors, back as far as 2012.
This board is doing the hard work of getting things cleaned up and righted vs. leaving things untouched and unattended to for some other board to deal with in the future. Change never comes easy, and there are always difficult and unpopular decisions that have to be taken. I'd ask that you give the current board some credit for having the wherewithal to make them.
Kurt, you never answered the mans question about the donation to HECA and why the donation.
Kurt, you never answered the mans question about the donation to HECA and why the donation.
Mr. Wingo, I can assure you that the board is not "giving our money away". In fact there have been significant cost savings over the last months and those will continue to bear fruit for the club. Office, staff, store are all things that are far more expensive than any donation. The "someone" answering phones is one of your volunteer directors, if you would like to pitch in and be a part of the solution, applications are open.
The "loss" is due to a number of factors, not the least of which was personnel expenditures that were in excess of 3/4 of the total dues revenue. In addition, three have been write-offs of unsaleable inventory that was approved and purchased by past committees and directors, back as far as 2012.
This board is doing the hard work of getting things cleaned up and righted vs. leaving things untouched and unattended to for some other board to deal with in the future. Change never comes easy, and there are always difficult and unpopular decisions that have to be taken. I'd ask that you give the current board some credit for having the wherewithal to make them.
You are right, I did not directly answer the question. Here's what I know: There is no reference in the last financial report of a donation to HCEA, since I have been president we have not made any such donation, and since I have been on the board, there has been no discussion of such a donation. There may well have been a donation sometime in the past, our donation "board" published in the magazine includes donor's names that have made donations in years past, it is possible that HCEA does the same. The only place I could think of that willwingo would find information that would indicate a donation would have been there.
No donations to HCEA have been made during the term of the current board of directors, I hope that helps clear things up.
Thank you Kurt and Current Board Members - Transparency is one of the "keys" in your arsenal.
Hi Kurt, thanks so much for the clarification. Why do people make things up? To stir the pot????????????
Mr Wingo,
I've looked through the 161 magazine and cannot find where it shows such a donation. Would you post where you found the information so that it can researched and find an answer for us all..
Thank You
Ed Coughlin
The initial posting made it sound like the donation was factual. If it was factual, they should supply the source or if it was rumor it should have been stated so.