Both motors had clean oil, pony needed some topping up.
Here is the first video of me introducing myself to this machine - i apologize in advance for anything stupid said and done 😊
Oh oh, the Northstate has become the CAT world's black hole for old iron! (Just kidding) Hey, Crawler Addict, you have competition now! You have a fellow member nearby that shares the same enthusiasm as you. Me, I am just a low keyed person that likes having tractors to remind myself of yester years. I am south of you a couple plus hours in Sutter County.
Enjoy yourself. It is very easy to get "hooked" on collecting and the bonus is getting them operational.
Thanks for the photos and YT video. JM
This is going to be a fun thread to follow! In addition to the tech library manuals, there are several vids you’ll find helpful. YouTube “squatch253”, PNW Hillbilly, and LAOL. I’m sure there are more.
Best to you on your “journey” and keep safe.
im a little jealous you have a elec start pilot engine..
Someone with more knowledge than I, or better parts books can verify this, but for my D4 6U the fuel filters are Napa #3825, about $25 each. Need 4. The gaskets are Napa #5635 but show as gas filters in the Napa books. They are a couple of bucks a piece. I think these are the same for the "J" model, but not sure. Napa stores are usually more common than Cat supply stores.
The Napa #3825 also cross references to WIX33825.