check the old "FOR SALE" archives under magnetos for sale/repair. I remember a fellow there who was actfvely rebuilding and selling older CAT magnetos.
I have seen a person R. Fuller advertising to rebuild too. I was going to use him but I found an Eisemann RC-2H to buy instead. I cannot attest to his abilities but I did speak with him and he seemed knowldegeable and service oriented. If you do a search, you should get several hits on him.
There is another place in Spencer, Indiana who I asked to check out the Eisemann I bought. They replaced the points, cleaned it and threw on new wires...not tough but they did it quickly and for about $20 materials and everything. I do not have their number. My thought is they have extensive experience.
There is another place I have read about here and elsewhere up in Chicago. It is something like Chicago Magneto Company. Someone reading this will pop up with the name immediately. I have called them as well and they seemed to be very knowledgeable and have access to a host of parts.
Good Luck. Sorry about all the generalities, but it is a start-
The place in Chicago is Standard Electric, I was told by my Mag guy ( Roys Magneto in Mt Pleasant Michigan) that they were By far the Biggest magneto source on the planet. Its where he gets the hard to find stuff.
You can try Bronsons in Loves Park ILL. He has a lot of mags and does some rebuilding. I thought the company in Chicago was Standard Magneto. I could be wrong they do have web site.
Standard Magneto Sales Company, Inc.
4119 West Grand Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60651
Phone 1-800-MAGNETO (1-800-624-6386)
Fax 1-773-235-2996
Worlds largest supplier of magnetos and magneto parts.
We've been in business for over 50 years
Hours 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time
😊 😊
I am very surprised at how many of you are scared to touch a magneto.
They are the simplest things in the world to fix. It is almost unheard of that they need any more than a good cleaning and points and condenser. All you need to watch for its to not get them out of time. Most if not all have timing marks if you do not see them easily just make your own to make sure you get any gears engageing the same as they were.
D.K. in S.K.
I have fixed all my own mags. But with the age of some of them you have to be very careful.he olny thing I did not do was charge the magnet as I do not have a charger. I was giving names mostly for parts.