Here is a post from 2007 that shows the D4 [URL=[/URL]
Sorry to hear of your situation, I hope it works out well for you. Years ago....well...decades ago I lived just a stones throw from Mountain View. I'm too far to help, but I know others are nearby....hopefully someone will pipe up.
I found the main engine dip stick and it looks good. New battery and the pony started for a short time I had the gas off because it was a little late. Didn't want a visit from the local police.
Next Question: the oil in the pony is too high on the dip stick. How does one drain a little out??
I found the main engine dip stick and it looks good. New battery and the pony started for a short time I had the gas off because it was a little late. Didn't want a visit from the local police.
Next Question: the oil in the pony is too high on the dip stick. How does one drain a little out??
I would just change it. It is only about 2 quarts.
Okay I can do two quarts but where is the drain plug????????
On the right hand side of the pilot motor }Sitting on the machine } there should be a pipe with a bung in the end of it coming out under the head on the pilot motor .That should be the Sump drain.
Hey IBRich,
Give me a call 415-720-5936. I am in Petaluma. I can help you next week end if you wish. I have transports also.-glen
I don't care what oil slick says about you. Youre' ok in my book!