Hi Terry - I used a 12 GPM hydraulic pump run off the fan belt when I shopbuilt my 3-point hitch conversion many years ago. The mounting bracket doesn't show in the photo, but it's vertical and I fabbed it out of 1/4" plate with slotted bolt holes on the bottom for belt tensioning. - Richard
Terry - I bought the pump (not a power steering pump) new from Surplus Center and dredged up the "B" width pulley from my scrap pile.
If you wind up deciding to use a fan-belt driven pump, give me a holler and I can send you photos of my pump mounting bracket. Somewhere I have some old B&W photos of the entire hitch fabrication process. - Richard
Thanks CatSpotter for your input. What did the pump come off of to have the proper width pulley for the belt?
One of my friends removed a pto driven pump from his 22 when he restored it. If you are interested, I will ask if it is for sale, and how much.
Thanks for the offer Soapy, but there is no PTO drive off the back of this machine, so I was trying to find an alternate method to run a hydraulic cylinder on a disc unit.