Mods, if you make this a sticky, it would sure be appreciated. 👍
As an attachment - (produces the smaller pictures, which can be magnified)
1. Scroll down below the box where you enter your text to the ADDITIONAL OPTIONS box.
3. A pop up box will appear titled FILE UPLOAD MANAGER
4. Follow the instructions on that screen.
5. Click DONE
6. Finalize your message and click on SUBMIT NEW THREAD
Using HTML links - (produces the larger pictures, which are embedded into the post)
blah blah blah.....I'll have more detailed info and will edit this post. Placemarker purposes only for now.
1. This requires a "hosted" image, meaning the picture can be found on the internet. Typically, this is a Flicker photo account, Photobucket, Kodak, and a whole range of other free or paid sites. You can also display a picture found on almost ANY website because it does not require uploading. Note, copyright laws apply to displaying images belonging to others, so be aware.
2. Copy the HTML code of the image. Typically, if the website is a photo account, the image will have the HTML code available to copy.
3. Sample image or picture codes will have [img]followed by the HTTP address and ending in[/img]
4. Copy and paste that HTML code from [img]through[/img] into your post. You can position the picture where you want it, and comment above or below the picture.
blah blah blah...still in progress....