If it is the original Cat fittings should be 1 inch hose. With the bolt on clamps you don't have to buy any fittings.
Hello Tim; doing all four lines on our 9U this week end. They are one inch, we've had bad luck with our belly pan bolts twisted off three hope your having better luck. Chum
I have been asked for a specification. Isnt it single braid 2000lb I dont know? Thanks again Tim
I have not been able to find the original specs.
Per my 1970 "One Safe Source" catalog Cat uses their own spec for hydraulic hose, minimum 4,000 psi, 4-spiral wire wrap but they are more interested in flexibility and pulse cycles.
In terms of pressure (1200psi max) on the #46 HCU a two wire SAE100R2AT (2 wire) would probably work fine but the catch might be the hose O.D. in order for the split clamps to hold.