Reply to neil:
Man, look how green that place is. You guys need to buy some sheep while the going's good and start grazing the long acre
Come on Neil we already have well feed coyotes,lions,eagles,and bears plus a stray wolf or 3 from Oregon. We need something big that can fight back elk maybe ...... Oh there are already spreading nicely so as to take fences down so the sheep could be out in the road for snowflakes to run into. And we all know what trauma that would gives a snowflake.
On a more serous note after 5 dry years it is nice to see green everywhere this season.
Dpete had that in 94 was not as bad as first thought. But still major job that took some thinking to get back without modern sky hooks. A determent brother in law that lost his job at 63 in a corporate cost cutting moves made it happen. With the improvement of full width doors for a hay squeeze to fill it.
Everybody stay safe with all the storm clean up that will be coming.