Call Florin tractor parts in Sacramento,CA. They should be a lot cheaper than going to Cat. Did you open both petcocks to get the excess gas out of the cylinders? Hope you have changed the oil in the pony before trying to restart it. Sounds like a bearing and or ring failure.
turns out I got lucky.....hung up starter......I did change the oil....yesterday when I drained it it seemed thin and smelled gassy....I typically run 30w in it but refilled with 10-40.... been noticing a lot of blowby....blowing dipstick out the tube....and a little bit of oil burning out the exhaust....if I can get her to start this gonna move her closer to the thinking the pony is gonna need a rebuild anyways so should be a nice "wet weather project".....gonne be that way here I think for the next 9 months lol
After working on small carbs, I fill the fuel bowl and blow air down into the throat from the top with an air nozzle. Should get nice atomization out the bottom. It is subjective but a quick test without installing it. Kind of a home grown flow bench. Careful,, no flame or ignition source nearby or you have a flame thrower.
On blow by,, my dip stick bounces up and down. Take the cap off the oil fill pipe and it sprays like a volcano. AND that is on a tight engine.
I would let some time go by and use that pony for a while before thinking of a rebuild. Unless they actually blow up, they are hard to kill. Like many have said on this BB previously, even with low compression, they will still do the job.
I would let some time go by and use that pony for a while before thinking of a rebuild. Unless they actually blow up, they are hard to kill. Like many have said on this BB previously, even with low compression, they will still do the job.