I received a call from a Cat owner that came to the forum looking for help. I had commented since he is reasonably close and dropped the name of a friend of mine that had helped him in the past. Turns out he is needing help with a cable unit on a D 8. That is not anything I have had experience with.
He was on here right as the forum update was going. Not inclined to the online world, seem very turned off about using forum for help.
He is not that knowledgeable from my talking with him, but not hopeless. A big part of the giving help here is using the terms and parts names the same. Anyway blade is not rising so it would seem winch clutches need adjusting??? But he started by just saying clutch adjustment. I think it is a 36a D8 but ??? If that is true the power to cable unit is live even on the back? ( For my own knowledge)
I told him I would ask here and see if anyone was willing to talk him through this (lol not very smart, but not so dumb as I want in the middle) My friend never worked for free, maybe cheap by some standards but not free. ( he is deceased, or would take the job I believe) So I think there could be a paying job if your in the Paso area, but another guess. If there are any other persons willing to get into this mess, message me and I will give you his number.