Looking for help ID'ing a part recently purchased. Not having much success on my end when inputting the part# cast into the housing. At best been getting a "housing" result with no further detail. Link is to the original listing.
Went by the listing claim instead of double checking to confirm it even went on a D2 5J. Saw it & thought "can't hurt to have spares". Seeing it in person though was cause for doubt as it didn't look familiar or anything like Squatch253 (I'm going to assume he is known around here) was showing in his very thorough 5J1113 project.
But it was already paid for & met the seller for local pickup (originally would've cost over 2x the price tag just to ship). 1st time for me an ebay purchase was in driving range since my corner of the states you can travel for hours, never leave the state & not pass many towns.
At $65 I'm not going to complain too much as from the sound it more actual D2 related parts (showed the seller an image of a D2 & they confirmed) that weren't listed & this puts my foot in the door for in-person finds.
Thanks. Was thrown off by the thing in-person as didn't occur to me to double check my end. By then I had already paid for it.
Seller had other unlisted items & they sent me images of a pony for sale that I believe he said this was off. When digging using the part# on IT it looked alot like the pony from the RD6 but w/ a cover plate on the side where it would've mounted to the RD. The output on the motor that I don't doubt saw alot of applications would seem to match this.
Foot in the door. Next will be looking for sure to see if any D2 parts. Being local to me will make confirming an item easier.