Nice D4, had been following your acquisition. Tell the local Cat dealer guy to look up the hardnose group for the D4D. Not sure how many there were. If you get the wrong parts guy, you might has well go to 7eleven for the parts😄 Someone here will probably have the info. Don
Nice D4, had been following your acquisition. Tell the local Cat dealer guy to look up the hardnose group for the D4D. Not sure how many there were. If you get the wrong parts guy, you might has well go to 7eleven for the parts😄 Someone here will probably have the info. Don
Need the serial number of your blade. Should be on a tag or stamped into the mold board on the rear top RH side.
Hi TractorDon,
Thanks for the kind words and helpful hints. Since I don't know what a hardnose group is, will I have to explain to the parts guy, or will he probably know? My parts guy is Dave at Western States in Pendleton Or, very nice guy, working real hard at helping me, but is young.
Hi 3512B,
Not planning on having CAT guy rebuild cylinders. Am going to do it in my shop. Have not been able to find part number on the cylinders. The machine serial # is 78A 4278 and that number does not come up with any attachments. Double checked the blade, it has no serial # anywhere. Not sure about the blades' origin. Maybe an aftermarket blade on a Cat C frame not sure. Planning on a total fluid and filter change on all components.
Thanks Old Magnet,
Went and double checked, maybe sandblasting the upper right corner of the mold board will bring up the serial number, can't see it as it is.
Ok, we'll try it from the tractor serial number, always some risk without the blade serial number but this should get you close: 78A1-up 4A blade should be a serial 52E1-up. The lift cylinder group is 4J4890. I'll have a go at posting the parts diagram.
Ok, we'll try it from the tractor serial number, always some risk without the blade serial number but this should get you close: 78A1-up 4A blade should be a serial 52E1-up. The lift cylinder group is 4J4890. I'll have a go at posting the parts diagram.
Hi Old Magnet,
Just took another set of eyes to look at her. Found the number 4J494 on the top end of the cylinder.
Found number 4J4303 on the cross shaft between the cylinders behind the radiator fan.
No Number anywhere on the blade. Sanded, nothing.
Don't know if those numbers help or help confuse the issue. Think they are casting numbers, not as user friendly with my local cat dealer.
Thanks for thinking on it.
OK, think I see the problem. That is not a Cat blade or C-frame but those are Cat cylinders. The numbers you are getting off the parts are indeed casting numbers. I think you would be safe to go with the parts numbers in the diagram, there are no others close to that type shown in my parts book.
I been playing with my Stw sis tonight and I put in 78A
came up with no equipment configuration.
ran down the serial # list and found no D4 starting with 78A
if this is the correct serial # you may have a imported machine.
I belive some were made in Japan and Brazil.
if this is the case
Your parts guy should have a guide for corasponding for serial #
this will get you to a 44H or 74U and use that serial # for finding parts.
I hear you on building the cyl at home. what i thought was the Parts guy could refer to the cyl dept and they will help you. with the part #. the branch PSSR should know where to look.
If you do go with the cat packing insted of (O the horrors) after market.
you mite at least have them run a hone down the cyl. the Newer packing
like that honed surface to seat better than the older style.
From what I understand.