Reply to Machias cat:
[quote="Walt D7-3T"]Take a look at the post that §wishy made about 4 years ago. It is in the BULLETIN BOARD OPERATIONS forum.[/quote]
Four years ago? Howabout 11 years ago.
And a quote from post #5 (posted in 2012) of the noted conversation.....
"Unfortunately, Swishy's advice is dated 2007, so it does not apply. Both ACMOC and the ACME forums have entirely different software now."
So how does one post pictures on this site? I have hacked my way through it but really don't know how it works to possibly be expert enough to give advice / training.....
Anybody willing to show the way?
This is how I do it, but there's probably other approaches.
I post pictures to threads, so I open a new thread or reply to an existing one. I write my text and then when I want a picture to follow my text, I then click on the paper clip attachment icon above. If you hover your mouse above it, then a small popup says "Attachments". Click on that button. A new window opens. Click the "Add Files" button in the top right corner. Another popup opens - "Choose file" - select your file from your pc. If you want to add more pictures (up to five in one upload session), then click the plus sign and select more pictures.
Then, click Upload. The files will upload and automatically populate into the lower panel and the Insert Inline button will activate showing the number of pictures it will add. Those pictures will be selected in that panel so you can tell which ones are going to be inserted into your thread. Once they have been inserted, the button will clear and you can push Done.
You will then return to the thread editing window. A good practice is to add a blank line between each attachment link (looks like a couple of brackets with a number in between) - make sure that you insert the blank line between the closing bracket of one attachment and the opening bracket of the next attachment e.g.
(I added an asterix to prevent it actually inserting a picture).
Then hit preview, if it all looks good then hit submit (ah, it inserted the dang picture anyway....)