[size=150]Heat Valve / Fuel Valve Levers Cat Cave
When we started manufacturing Manifolds, we where asked about the Heat Valve Lever.
I checked out my own machines. There are Two Different Levers. A Long and a Short. Short used on Cat 10, Cat 15, Cat 30 etc, Long one used on Cat 35, Cat 35, Cat 40, Cat R5.
The Long one is also used on the Cat 22, for the Fuel Valve.
After further investigation it become apparent that the early machines had a Cast Bronze Lever, and then Changed to a Brass Hot Press Stamping.
We decided back in the days of myself being on the Retired Iron Farm Website to Re Manufacture them Cast in Bronze, with Stainless Steel Knob, Pin and Stainless Steel Spring.
Over a 12 month Period the Cat-Cave Shipped 106 of them. We shipped out in Batches to Cat-Cave Agents in USA, Special Thanks to Wally Adams, Jeff Carls, Bob Stewart, Matt Vercamp, Chad Enyeart and Toby Nelson for Helping Taking orders and getting those Levers delivered Locally.
Ended up going for CNC route with Bar Feed for Knobs and Pins. Even Jnr Catman got Involved in De Burring Casting.
I have been asked recently for the same Levers.
Question is Does anyone Else want ANY ?? or has the Cat-Cave Saturated the Market already Smile.
[email protected]
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