The Pioneer Power show is a great event. I will be there as well.
i will be there as the hole weekend we get in Thursday can't wait.
If all goes as planned, we will arrive on Thurs. afternoon.
how wet is it up there
I dont know but my son came across 90 today.was raining but not heavy is what he said
I was coming home from the Baraboo Steam show today and ran into a heavy rain squall headed north on I90-94.
Chuck C
Most of today’s rain stayed south of Mankato.
I'll be at the show all weekend, from the discussions I've been having with folks tied to the show it sounds like it's shaping up to be a really good one. I'll be pulling a couple of shifts in the Chapter 3 tent, hope to see you all there.
Have a funeral to go to Friday but plan on being there at least on Saturday. Anyone know if camping is still available. Don't need no hook ups.