Moderators ANY Help?
I'll draw it to their attention SS, sorry you had to ask twice. When you reply, is there a field on your screen entitled Subject? If there is, are you able to enter text into it?__PRESENT
Thanks Neil. There is the box for SUBJECT but cannot enter anything and or it doesn't automatically populate the box. Maybe since there hasn't been anty activity on the thread it became closed? This is the one I attached to your thread for the track pin press. Actually I didn't mean to have it put up the whole page in the link. Only wanted to show my press setup pictures.
I let the tech team know. I suspect that your role definition just needs straightening up a bit because "I think" that you shouldn't see the subject box, but the tech guys will know for sure. I can see it because I'm an admin and I can also edit it. Threads don't close per se, but they do end up further down the list when you go to the first page of the forum as the recent activity gets old on it. Looking forward to seeing your picture. Are you able to post it to this thread? Both because I want to see it : ) but also if it posts here but not there, that's further intel for the tech team
Just tried again. ERROR message. Cannot save message Subject Empty!
That's what came back.
I notified the tech team, it might be Monday/Tuesday before they get to it. Are you replying to one of your posts or just making a quick reply? Can you try the link "Go to editor.." that appears below the Quick Reply box and let us know
Still no luck replying either way. ERROR message. Subject box not automatically populated with the subject. And can't type it in there manually.
I'll draw it to their attention SS, sorry you had to ask twice. When you reply, is there a field on your screen entitled Subject? If there is, are you able to enter text into it?__PRESENT