just a few pic from around town. I was working on rig \ at the frontier pad which is basically a junk yard for drill rigs complete with a hibernating grisly bear that comes out from time to time. here The rigs are gone threw yearly repair and then sent out. kind of gives you can get a sence of the size of the toys we have around here. the picture of dead horse is noon time at 40 below. that frost smoke nothing burning. when it that cold the frost smoke just goes flat. and one picture of the back of my service truck. a welcome site when it time to go home and it cold! and yes it has a big heater!
next job is going to be someplace warm! i getting this cold out of my system that for sure!
How do you ever get a machine up there started after it sits unrun for few days. Looks like inches of ice to chip thru.
Stay Warm....
A little late picking up your pictures-----but another great set of photos. Thanks for sharing the ccccccccccooooooooooooollllllllllllldddddddddddddd with us all the way down here in Mississippi.😄