Hi, mikewood869.
Thatza nice looking tractor - - - except for that right hand track wanting to go in some other direction than straight ahead.
Just my 0.02.
That track frame is toast! What the hell?!
that is quite bent. even the outer axle bracket is bent. that took some serious force to do that.
Hi, Folks.
I would be interested to know just what was being done just prior to this disaster or, alternatively, just how long it took for the situation to get this bad. Wunn Wunnders.
Just my 0.02.
Diagonal Brace broke, the rest of the damage followed.
MikeWood869. I like your Cab. [img]/media/kunena/emoticons/smile.png[/img]
Mike if you don't find anything closer, I have a caucuses that track frames and finals are all that's left. I don't know the real history, but from what I do know a flatland tractor with tool bar for deep tillage in the cotton fields maybe.
i welded up a d6c for a guy both track roller frames were cracked on the bottom and spread out i did get them pulled together and straight first time i had seen them broke before