There are "tell tale" drains on the injector pump housing and the transfer pump which should drip any leakage from those areas out the drain lines at the right rear corner of the block as it sits in the grader. If these lines are not crushed or blocked, the most likely culprit is the o-ring between the injection pump housing and the fuel filter tower. I no longer have a 212 book, but should be an 8B4967 o-ring on the ferrule there. It may look like a shaped packing, but that appearance is because the o-ring has lost it's resilience and retains the shape of the space it is compressed into after you tighten the fasteners.
Not an easy job, but relatively simple.
Thanks CC...I appreciate it...I've got a parts grader that I may take a look at...Meanwhile, I'll have to study the manuals very closely...And, work on it...when the weather warms up...
Respy, CarlsCat
Do you mean you removed the fuel injection pump housing from the filter tower?
The transfer pump is another kettle of fish if you get into repacking that one, but like I mentioned, you should see fuel dripping from the drain line as the it leaks past the first shaft packing next to the pump and drains away before it can leak through the second packing next to the drive gear and into the oil pan.
The number in my D25j parts book was 8B4967. Also found in my D69u parts book. Looks to be pretty standard for that usage, but see what Holt CAT comes up with. If a part number has been updated, the packing slip will usually show the old part number on one line and 0 picked and 0 shipped followed by the new number on a second line with the quantity picked and shipped. Or at least that is the way the most recent packing slips I got from our local dealership are. On the really old part numbers, the guy keying them in has to know how to add zeros in the correct places to make the computer take the number.
Good luck!