Hi Jack,
sorry only have figures for D311 series H, about 1965 build. This is about as good as I can scan it, the figures for "with fan" says to add for :- 1800 rpm +.20 gal/hr, and 1500 rpm +.12 gal/ hr. Hence total cons. for 1800 rpm is 1.42 +.2= 1.62 gph, and for 1500rpm is 1.22 + .12 = 1.34 gph. Older series engines would no doubt be slightly less efficient and would therefore use a little more fuel, but this should be a reasonable guide.
The series H engine has a compct fuel pump fitted, not the better known forged body pumps on the D2 U series tractors.
Hope this helps and not confuses.
Eddie B.
Thanks, ed b. A ballpark figure is all I needed and that's close enough.
The project involves a D2 5U engine running at a presumed RPM of around 1500-1600 cranking out around 20 kW with an induction generator. I need an auxiliary fuel pump for starting/stopping on petro diesel. The regular pump will be feeding heated canola. It will run without a fan; radiator is to be remote and electric fanned.
I will run the aux pump with an electric motor, thus needed to know about what size pump to rig. (This should be an absolute dream to prime after filter service!😄 )
Thanks again,
A spec sheet from 1957 for the D311, diesel electric set, shows a fuel consumption of about 2.15 gallons/hr. at 20kw at 1600rpm, that is without fan.
OK, so maybe I'd better plan on 2.5 gpm just to be on the safe side, let the relief valve take care of the extra. Thanx, josh. Much appreciated.
Your fuel consumption will be about 0.036 gpm, so a 2.5 gpm pump will be way more than you need. It may not matter though to have a much bigger pump than you need.