Kurt - just to clarify the only way members will find out about this town hall is via the post here on the forum? I understand the not wanting to incur additional cost to the club, but a very small fraction of members actually get on here how do you plan to inform the rest of the members aside from the post as you mentioned with less than a week until the meeting?
Thanks Nathan
[quote="trainzkid88 post=242116 userid=11838"]
perhaps the club needs to hold more general members meetings yes this is a challenge when we are such a widespread international group. but online technology makes that more feasible.[/quote]
TK88 -Â I agree, there should be more meetings like this, perhaps once per quarter? Technology makes it possible and we should use it.
Nathan, no problem. I hear you on the chances for missed communications, all I can say is if you are on the forum, make sure your email is the correct one. How to get to everyone else is a challenge for certain.
Online meetings present problems for members that never get online, and holding multiple in-person meetings with the associated mailing costs for notices to accommodate them is well outside the Club's budget.
Anyone that knows of other members that would have an interest, I'd ask that we all be good members and reach out as you can and let them know! Belt and suspenders.
I also have not received any e-mails from the club [email protected]
Well I am all for being informed about what is going on with our organization and scour the bulletin board for info but , the postcard that was sent out from the ACMOC Board of Directors inviting us to join in on the town hall meetings came in Friday’s mail, again TOO LATE ! F Y I
we have the same thing down unda auspost says they are losing money so they reduce services to save costs so people go elsewhere. ive had letters arrive from the dept of social security days after the deadline to respond listed in the letter thankfully they called me and the issues were sorted.
the bulletin board only works if updated regularly and checked regularly but not everyone has time to do that on a daily basis.
email only works if the email on file is the correct one and the info is actually correct, and the recipients mail box isnt full, the junk filter doesnt reject it, people check their junk and trash folders. and of course regularly check their email.
We hope that transcripts will be available soon for those who did not have a chance to sit in on the Zoom meetings. Many postcards did not arrive until Friday here in N. California, so as much as I wish not to say, some that do not regularly visit this BB did not know, and missed out, asking what had happened.JM