Hello to all members and bulletin board members in NSW Australia.
Lance Jones and myself will be at Macksville Rusty Iron Rally weekend 2nd and 3rd September 2017 in our ACMOC tent. We invite you to join ACMOC if you are not a member, or just come and have a chat about all things Caterpillar, and also indicate your interest in starting a new chapter in Northern and Central NSW.
Hope to see you there, and if not, then you can contact me either on the bulletin board or email, [email protected] or phone 0265 436203, mobile not very good reception but can get me sometimes 0428 533 841.
Lance who is Chapter 18 president in Queensland can also be contacted on 07 54414390 or mobile 0427 844 187 email [email protected]
Sounds like agood idea. I can't make it for the weekend. But am keen to join.
I have a cat 12 and d4.
Sounds good Mark, just contact me by one of the contact methods and I will pop your name on the list and see how we go with getting a few more to jump on board.