them a year on the Interstates. They hire College kids to drive them around all summer! My only regret is not having a summer job like that when I was young!
There is a car around here once in awhile that,s shaped like a hot dog and to advertise it,s product.I can,t remember which hot dog Co. it is but I,m sure others here have seen it aound and know what Co. it is that has it.
Our office being less than a mile down hwy 30 from Oscar Meyer in Madison. I see them all the time. I know a person that worked in one for a summer. Lots of area to see and people to meet. She told me it was a fun job. The fleet is not near as big as it used to be. They did build a couple of new ones a few years ago. I still remember getting my first "Weiner Whistle" when I was about 8 from one of these wagons. You still see them cruising Madison about this time of year getting ready for the road.
TW, that,s it it,s the Oscar Myers Weiner Wagon thanks for mentioning the brand name as I forgot which one it was.