Looks like some very detailed info included here.
But I wuz just wondering if this "new fangled" information gathered and collected via all of the best of today's modern techniques by noted scientific authorities might not be considered by the King of Obsolete as "not playing quite fair" versus the days of the old freighters operating up in the Great White North.🙄 😄
Pardon my friend the King for not answering this post right away----but he is busy welding on the track frames, etc. on his D6 known as the Hood right now (in addition to cuddling on the couch). 😎
Uh-----I am hoping he takes note of this thread-----and also welds up some pontoons on the "Hood" while she is in the shop. Sure would hate to see him go to all of this work and then get the Hood damp (uh---wet) again.😮
In all seriousness, posting of this info is a real compliment to the King----just shows how much interest his activities create here on the CAT boards.
Long live the King of Obsolete!!!!
Delta Dirt
Delta Dirt
Avon, Ms 38723
D2 5U and other scrap iron