That's a clean engine and shop!
Thank you Stephen. It is my toybox/man cave.
[QUOTE=Dan Pratt;210414]Just thought I would share a short video of my 5J running in the shop. I fire it up every once in a while to keep it oiled up, and to satisfy my need to sniff some diesel fumes and hear the purr. She fired up real quick in the nice hot weather we are experiencing now in the northwest.
The pony usually starts on the first pull as it did this time. Good compression and a hot mag are key. I put treated chain saw fuel in there to keep the tank and carb lightly oiled while it sits, and of course run the pony empty of fuel.
my cat mechanic Dave Williams in Havre, Mont. recently told me that he always puts chain saw oil in his pony gas. great minds think alike!
I've started to do that too although I try to use a light touch because putting oil in the gas will lean it out a bit, so I've richened it up just a tad to compensate
i think i think i can see some dirt on the floor over there by the bench.:eyebrows: